The Marist Foundation Scholarship Application process is conducted online and coincides with Marist Catholic High School’s application and registration schedule each year – usually starting early in January and ending the beginning of March. The Scholarship Application and instructions for completing the process are available during this period and can be found at under Admissions/Tuition and Fees/Endowed Scholarships. It should be noted that the Foundation Scholarships are not the same as the school’s Tuition Assistance Program (FACTS). However, to be considered for a Foundation Scholarship you must complete both the Scholarship Application as well as the FACTS application (in order to establish financial need).
For inquiries about the Foundation Scholarships and the application process please contact Heather Boyles at 541-284-7505 or at [email protected]. |
Endowed Scholarships & CriteriaWith great pleasure, the Marist Foundation Scholarship Committee will award more than 120 scholarships to deserving Marist students, who have established financial need, for the 2024-2025 academic year. Scholarships range in amount from $500 to $3,000 and have been generously endowed by faithful supporters of Marist to help assist students with the opportunity to experience excellence in Catholic education here at Marist Catholic High School.
DIANE G. ANDERSEN MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) New incoming student required (unless renewed) (3) Minority status - strongly considered (4) Single parent families - strongly considered (5) Local member of Catholic parish - considered (6) Currently attends Catholic school - considered (Potentially renewable through graduation.) JAMES ARP MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) SISTER JOHN BACKENSTOS Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required (3) Shown industry to help pay tuition - considered (4) 2.0 GPA at time of application (5) Working at or above potential with evidence of scholastic improvement JACK & LIESEL BENDA SCHOLARSHIP IN SCIENCE AND MATH (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Demonstrates a passion for Math or Science – Chemistry, Physics, Engineering or Biology (please note: Sociology or Psychology will not qualify) (3) Open to any grade with possibility for renewal JOHN & JOANN BREEDEN FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic and active in his/her faith (3) Open to any grade with possibility of renewal (4) Active in one or more sports (5) Good work ethic, self-discipline and common sense (Potentially renewable through graduation.) CLARENCE & EILEEN BROWN MEMORIAL TEXTBOOK Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) For a student whose family has had personal circumstances affect his/her job or the family faces medical problems that may keep the student from attending Marist (3) Freshman, Sophomore or Junior (4) Student who demonstrates a spirit of reaching out and helping others BUTLER FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Minority status (strongly considered) (3) Student who demonstrates a spirit of reaching out and helping others BERNIE CONKLIN MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Potentially renewable through graduation FRAN & DALE COOLEY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required LUCY DUFFY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Consider single parent families (3) Academic requirement-3.0 average (non-weighted) (Must maintain GPA to continue receiving scholarship) STAN & NAOMA DUYCK FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required (3) Open to any grade level including incoming freshman (4) Student must be working to his/her potential (incoming freshman to be verified w/8th grade teacher) (5) Scholarship Committee will award scholarships equitably between boys & girls MICHAEL J. DWYER MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Based on financial need (2) For a student who has had personal circumstances affect his/her job or family faces medical problems that may keep the student from attending Marist (3) This award may be handed out any time during the school year EBERLE FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Participates in one or more sports FAHEY FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid Form required) DR. ROBERT FURRER MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Incoming Freshman (3) High achievement marks (4) Interest in science, performing arts, language arts, or creative arts KEVIN GALLAGHER MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Two sport athlete (3) Current Freshman, Sophomore or Junior (at time of application) (4) One boy, one girl (5) Most inspirational by conduct, effort, performance, attitude & sportsmanship (6) Not on academic probation FRED & DONNA GENT FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Single Parent Family (Strongly considered) (3) GPA 3.0 at time of application (4) Student working to full potential (5) Evidence of general scholastic improvement (6) Current incoming Freshman, Sophomore or Junior TERRY GENT MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Student working to full potential (3) Evidence of general scholastic achievement (4) Current Incoming Freshman, Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior (5) One or more sport athlete GONYEA FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic -preferred SALLY GREATWOOD Scholarship (1) Financial Need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Renewable Annually, minimum GPA 3.0 ANNE GREIG MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Member of Girls Basketball team (preferred) (3) Incoming freshmen not eligible GROSS FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial Need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Minimum 3.0 GPA (3) Potentially renewable through graduation SCOTT HALBROOK MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) 2 Sophomores (Boy & Girl) and 2 Juniors (Boy & Girl) - at time of application (3) Shown industry toward paying tuition (4) Good standing academically & socially BROTHER JAMES HALLIDAY Scholarship* (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Marist Sophomore or Junior (at time of application) (3) Involved in retreat program and/or student leadership. JOHN HAMMER Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (1) Two sport athlete HENRY HANSON Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Chosen by Band Director (3) Current Sophomore or Junior band member (4) Conscientious in being a loyal band member (5) Shown support and consideration for his fellow band members DR. GERALD A. HARPER Scholarship (1) Financial need (FA form required) (2) Demonstrates a passion for the sciences (3) Catholic Student (preferred) (4) Open to any grade level with possibility for renewal (5) Participates in extracurricular activities (6) Minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA at time of application VERNE HAWN Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Current Freshman, Sophomore & Junior (at time of application) (3) Boy & Girl from each class (4) Shown ability in composition & literature RICHARD C. WILLIAMS & STAN HOWARD Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Designated for purchase of textbooks (3) Any grade level qualifies JERRY HOLVEY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Retreat team leader (3) Current Sophomore or Junior (at time of application) (4) Award to alternate between (1) boy & (1) girl each year HOLVEY FAMILY Scholarship* (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required), (2) Two Sport athlete (3) Good academic standing (4) Active in his or her faith, (5) Open to any grade (including incoming Freshman) with possibility for renewal HOLZAPFEL & BRADSHAW LAB SCHOLARSHIP IN SCIENCE AND MATH (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Demonstrates a passion for Math or Science – Chemistry, Physics, Engineering or Biology (please note: Sociology or Psychology will not qualify) (3) Open to any grade with possibility for renewal ED HUMMEL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Participated in at least 2 sports current year (3) Accumulated GPA 3.2 or better (4) Current Freshman, Sophomore or Junior - boy or girl BOB JEREMIAH Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Two sport athlete JOSEPH & CATHLEEN KARCHER Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required (3) Member of a Catholic Parish (4) Accumulated GPA 3.0 or better JEFF ‘90 & PATTY KAST FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FOR BOYS (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Male Student of any grade with possibility for renewal (3) Single parent - Required (4) Participate in an extracurricular activity (sport or club) – Required (5) Catholic – Preferred (6) Minimum 2.6 GAP (7) Contributes towards payment of tuition JEFF ‘90 & PATTY KAST FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FOR GIRLS (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Female Student of any grade with possibility for renewal (3) Single parent - Required (4) Participate in an extracurricular activity (sport or club) – Required (5) Catholic – Preferred (6) Minimum 2.6 GAP (7) Contributes towards payment of tuition JEFF ‘90 & PATTY KAST FAMILY MILITARY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) One or both Parents Active or a veteran of the Military FREDA KIRKISH THEATER Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Freshman, Sophomore or Junior (at time of application) (3) Demonstrates talent & interest in participating in Marist Theater, (4) Exhibits support and encouragement to fellow actors (5) Fosters a spirit of cooperation MICHAEL KIRKISH CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Current Sophomore or Junior of a single parent family (3) Involved with the Christian Leadership program (4) Reflects the ideals of a Marist student JOAN KREMERS MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Outstanding incoming Freshman Student (3) Shown favorable academic work (4) Participation in school and/or civic & church organizations JUDGE EDWARD LEAVY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) 3-year Marist student - Junior (at time of application) (3) Honor standing academically (4) Exemplary citizenship (5) Strong school loyalty MICHAEL G. LEWIS, JR. MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Junior (at time of application) (3) Industrious student with marked interest in Math LOUIS & KATHERINE LOPEZ FAMILY Scholarship (1) Chosen by Marist Catholic High School Executive Committee. (2) To be awarded at the end of the school year. (3) Graduating Senior. (4) Has been accepted to a 4-year Catholic college or university. (5) Attends church regularly. (6) Good citizen - shown leadership in spiritual, academic and extracurricular activities. NOTE: Recipient(s) selected through committee process. L.V. "BUD" & ROSE MACKE FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required BROTHER PATRICK MAGEE Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Marist Junior (at time of application) (3) Demonstrated keen interest in athletics (4) Shown exemplary sportsmanship (5) Displayed compassionate fellowship MARIST BROTHERS Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required MARIST PARENTS ASSOCIATION Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Demonstrate strong commitment to volunteering & community service (3) Willingness to continue volunteer commitments & service (4) Service & volunteer efforts are above & beyond MHS requirements (5) Any grade level qualifies MONSIGNOR EDMUND MURNANE Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Marist Junior (at time of application) (3) Reflects ideals of Marist High School (4) Involved in retreat program & other Christian dimensions of school life JILL RICHARDSON FAMILY Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Non-Catholic (3) GPA 3.5 or greater (4) Member of the National Honor Society (5) Demonstrates initiative towards paying tuition through employment or service to Marist. (6) Female student (preferred) BILL RICHARDS Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Marist Junior (at time of application) (3) Attended Marist for 3 years (4) Shown growth as citizen & student (5) Achieved some work effort to attend Marist (6) Participated in a full season of athletics or an extra-curricular activity (7) Designated for textbooks COACH RICH SCHWAB MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) One (or more) sport athlete (3) Sophomore or Junior (4) Exemplifies, as a teammate, the school's motto, We Are One. HOWARD & JEAN SCHOLZ MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Student working toward college entrance (3) Grades weighed according to honors DAVID & SANDRA SHEPARD Scholarship for the Creative Arts (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Eligibility-Sophomore, Junior or Senior (3) Minimum "B" from subject area (art, drama or music) (4) Recommendation from teacher of subject area (5) Renewable with continued teacher recommendation SHOW ME Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Passion for Science (3) Open to any incoming junior with the possiblity for renewal JACK STARR MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Student with marked proficiency in Art, Drama, or Music (3) Minimum of 3.0 GPA through 3rd quarter HUGH & ADELLA STEWART MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic & active in parish - required (3) Incoming Freshman with possibility for renewal (4) Maintain a 3.5 or greater GPA with strong performance in Science & Mathematics (5) All criteria must be maintained for renewal. L.L. "STUB" STEWART Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Proven record of school & community involvement (3) Commitment to academics, leadership & initiative MARK & DORIS STORMS Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Roman Catholic - required (3) GPA of 2.0 @ time of application (4) Student working to full potential (5) Evidence of general scholastic improvement (6) Current Freshman, Sophomore or Junior (at time of application) JERRY THENELL '54 MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Demonstrated strong work ethic and evidence of family hardship (3) Minimum 2.5 GPA (4) Open to any grade with possibility for renewal BILL & DELORES TREMAINE MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) TROUTMAN Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Any grade level qualifies PATRICK WAGNER MEMORIAL Scholarship (1) Financial need (FA form required) (2) Demonstrates a passion for the sciences CODY WATERS 'HEART OF A CHAMPION' Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) (2) Member of Boys Soccer team (preferred) (3) Reflects the ideals of a Marist student (4) Maintains good academic standing (5) Demonstrates exemplary citizenship, sportsmanship and compassionate fellowship (Potentially renewable through graduation.) LORETTA YOUNG Scholarship (1) Chosen by Marist Catholic High School Executive Committee. (2) To be awarded at the end of the school year. (3) Graduating Senior. (4) Good citizen - shown leadership in spiritual, academic and extracurricular activities. (5) Has been accepted to a 4-year Catholic college or university. (6) Attends church on a regular basis NOTE: Recipient(s) selected through committee process. KATHY YOCUM Scholarship (1) Financial need (Financial Aid form required) 2) Roman Catholic - required 3) Member of Catholic Parish 4) Accumulated GPA 3.0 or better *Newly endowed scholarship. |